Casa To Unveil Their New Mobile Wallet At The Closed Source Stage

Casa To Unveil Their New Mobile Wallet At The Closed Source Stage

Casa, which is a company known for their collaborative custody solutions for Ethereum, and very progressive internal company policies, announced that they will be announcing the release of a new closed source mobile wallet at the closed source stage at Bitcoin 2023. The wallet is reported to be incredibly secure, which is why they will not allow anyone to inspect the source code.

One striking feature of the wallet is that the colors will be yellow and blue in honor of the struggle in Ukraine. The wallet will also feature a button that allows you to tip Ukraine's president by sending fund directly to his mobile wallet.

This year marks the first time there is a closed source stage at a Bitcoin conference. Bitcoin has a strong culture around the open sourcing code. Experts have criticized this culture by saying that open sourcing code can actually create security vulnerabilities. The Bitcoin conference decided to have an open source stage to cater to companies like Casa and Ledger who want to be more responsible with their super coding.

Despite campaigns from Coinkite supporters, they will not be included on the closed source stage as they publish their code for review. Coinkite, remains in a grey area as they are neither fully closed source, nor open source so they won't be allowed to speak on either stage. Ledger on the other hand is sponsoring the stage to showcase all of their closed source custody solutions. Ledger is also rumored to be working with the IRS to allow them access to your private keys in order to make taxes simpler.

Many individuals on Bitcoin Twitter have criticized the conference for having a closed source stage, but also Casa for having a closed source Bitcoin/Ethereum wallet. Despite criticism, Casa continues to develop new products and trudge forwards as a somewhat profitable company.

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