Craig Wright Sues FBI For Not Arresting Him For Journalism On Jan 6th

Craig Wright has sued the FBI, stating that he was present as a journalist when Donald Trump lead an insurrection against the foundation of our democracy. Wright's suit stated, "The fact that I have not been arrested for performing journalism like a few others have is clear evidence that the FBI is denying that I was there and is slander."
The FBI has not yet publicly responded to Wright's claims, likely because they do not take extremely litigious Australian's seriously. The FBI has more important things to focus on like ignoring widespread criminality in Congress.
Wright seemed to become upset after Blaze reporter Steve Baker was arrested for being in the general vicinity of the January 6th tragedy that was worse than 9/11. Wright alleges that he performed significantly more journalism than Baker, and therefore deserves recognition for being arrested.
Many have criticized Wright, stating that he is neither a journalist, nor has any proof he was in the general vicinity of the domestic terrorist attack, spear headed by FBI agents. Wright has threatened critics with defamation lawsuits for denying his presence. Here we go again.