Head of Compact Crypto Peen (CCP) Speaks Out Against New LGBTQ Bitcoin Conference

This week Margot Paez of the Bitcoin Policy Institute proposed a new Bitcoin conference targeted towards Bitcoiners from oppressed and underrepresented groups, such as sex workers, political activists, domestic abuse victims, ethnic minorities, and members of the LGBTQ community.

Members of these groups suffer the largest degree of exclusion and censorship in the current financial system, as well as a large degree of social stigmatism from the wider Bitcoin ecosystem. In the face of the current PODCONF domination of the conference ecosystem, such a conference could be an incredibly empowering experience for marginalized groups in the space.
The proposal was met by massive backlash from a large number of Bitcoiners headlining the typical PODCONF circuit who suffer from micropenis.
Bruce Fenton, head of the Compact Crypto Peen (CCP) organization had this to say:
“The suggestion of organizing a conference supporting domestic abuse victims, members of the LGBTQ community, and ethnic minorities in the name of inclusion for oppressed and victimized peoples is hypocrisy of the highest degree. There is no one more victimized and oppressed than people who suffer from micropenis. The Bitcoin Magazine conference, and PODCONF approved conferences in general, are some of the most inclusive conferences in the world by filling most headline speaker slots with sufferers of micropenis. To organize a conference that excludes these wonderful members of the community is the exact opposite of inclusivity, it is bigoted and exclusionary.”
The cry of support for Fenton’s comments draws into question exactly how widespread the condition is in the Bitcoin ecosystem, with comments echoing Fenton’s reaching levels of almost half of the supportive comments for Paez’s proposal.
Sufferer’s of micropenis have demonstrated a massive outcry at being sidelined for speaker invites from this new, yet unnamed, upstart conference. This could represent a new and growing divide in the larger Bitcoin community.
This reporter thinks it could be an incredible opportunity to widen the tent and create a more inclusive and welcoming community for downtrodden Bitcoiners in desperate need of the valuable properties of Bitcoin supporting non-compliant use of the network.
When reached out to for comment PODCONF representatives did not respond.
Disclosure: Benjamin Bitcoin is a proud homosexual Bitcoiner, and the gayest reporter in journalism.