Peter McCormack Searches The Globe For Someone Who Has Used Liquid

Peter McCormack, the host of the "What Bitcoin Did" podcast, as well a dabbler in other media, has just released a new documentary where he looks around the world for people who are using the liquid sidechain in their daily lives. His new documentary is called, "Finding Liquid" and is styled after the History channel podcast, "Hunting Hitler." Hunting Hitler was a popular show discussing the possibility of Hitler escaping to Argentina after the war, instead of committing suicide like is widely taught.
The show looks for proof that Germans settled there, and looks for witness testimony that Hitler quietly lived out the rest of his life in Argentina. Likewise, in McCormack's documentary, he goes to different communities in countries like the US, Canada, El Salvador, the UK, and Slovenia, to try and find people who are using the Liquid sidechain developed by Blockstream.
The documentary has not been released to the public yet, but is rumored to have 8 episodes. It is also rumored that people watching the show will not find out if Peter has found anyone using Liquid until the very last episode.
McCormack has had success in the past with documentaries on various topics, as he has sought to copy Jake Hanrahan's style of on the ground reporting. McCormack's style of journalism is similar to Piers Morgan in which he pretends to be really stupid to illicit entertaining responses from who he is interviewing. Whatever the issue, he chooses to take a moderate stance that will appeal to the largest audience of Twitter NPC's as possible.
What McCormack's personal feelings about Liquid are is unknown. It could be questioned whether anything he says that is positive could be an attempt to get Blockstream to sponsor his podcast in order to get the word out on their products. The question remains to be answered whether or not Liquid is actually being used by anyone, and we look forward to the release of the documentary to answer that illusive question.