Switzerland To Raise Taxes On Bitcoin to 42% To Prevent Nation From Becoming Bitcoiner Quarantine Zone

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People often dismiss the reach of Dennis Porter's journalistic tentacles. One of those tentacles positioned in Europe have exposed the intention of the Swiss to prevent European bitcoin holders exodus from their countries and into Switzerland. A probe has indicated that Swiss law makers won't allow the "Bitcoin virus" to spread into the alps and will certainly stand strong against making it a Bitcoiner quarantine zone.
Italy and Denmark are also floating proposals to make their jurisdictions Bitcoin-free and more African immigrant friendly by hiking taxes on Bitcoin to 42%.
Other Dennis tentacles scattered around the continent are sensing that most of the other jurisdictions will hike the tax to the same number, 42%, to prevent any influx of bitcoin holders which may dissuade African immigrants from choosing to immigrate to Europe.
Many European subject matter experts in economic stagnation along with ECB economists have decreed that the science proves that third world immigrants are much better creative builders compared to toxic bitcoin maximalists.
Dispersion of Bitcoin holders increases the chances of growing Bitcoin circular economies, while having them concentrated puts limits on the influence, helping to spread and the contagion that is Bitcoin.