Private Knut Svanholm Messages Reveal Not Much Can Actually Be Divided by 21m

Private Knut Svanholm Messages Reveal Not Much Can Actually Be Divided by 21m
Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț / Unsplash

Article contributed by Dyno Jeans

It turns out that very little can actually be divided by 21 million. The following messages, provided to The Bitcoin Bugle by an anonymous tipster, reveal Svanholm’s famous “everything divided by 21 million” slogan is more noise than signal.

“How do you even divide some stuff? Like my hat? I sat there thinking about that the whole time I was signing books in Bitcoin Miami. I asked Chat-GPT to divide my hat into 21 million and it told me that didn’t make sense, and it sent me down this rabbit hole of wondering what else couldn’t be divided and it, like ... most stuff honestly.

“It’s a cool slogan, it sounds neat, but how do you divide all the shampoo by 21m? All the monkey farts, bad toddler drawings, orphan tears? You might say those things don’t matter. And maybe not but “everything” covers a lot of ground.

“I pressed a few other AI’s, some more focused on math, to divide SBF’s diet by 21m and it said, I kid you not, “No.” Next I tried, “CZ’s broken promises” and it said, “Error.” I tried, “Divide Brian Armstrong’s max squat by 21m” and the AI said, “Please stop hurting me.”

When the tipster asked Knut what could be divided by 21m, Knut said, “A lot less than everything. Numbers mostly.”

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