Cory Klippsten Seen Training With Zuckerberg For Upcoming Bitcoin Fight Club

Cory Klippsten Seen Training With Zuckerberg For Upcoming Bitcoin Fight Club

Cory Klippsten, influencer first and CEO of Swan Bitcoin second, has officially announced that he signed the Bitcoin Fight Club Waiver. Bitcoin Fight club is an event that is facilitated by members of the Triple Elite Meme Gang in order to try and settle twitter disputes. The most recent fight was between Max Keiser and Alex Gladstein at the Bitcoin 2023 conference earlier this year.

Triple Elite Memes, an online group that intimidates Bitcoin podcasters, was publicly taunting Klippsten for blocking people on Twitter who were taunting him for blocking people on Twitter. Many of them challenged Cory to sign the waiver and fight them for Bitcoin fight club. Klippsten caught heat for his liberal use of blocking and loudly threatening to block anyone who criticized Swan or Swan's employees.

Klippsten posted a picture of him sparring with Tech CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is currently training for a MMA match with Elon Musk. Jake Paul was rumored to be the one taking the picture. The picture seemed to signify Klippsten's commitment towards preparing for the fight, but also Klippsten's commitment towards his influencing career.

Signing the waiver does not mean that Klippsten will actually fight anyone, but it does mean he is now eligible to step in the ring with one of his internet critics. The fact that Klippsten was seen training with Mark Zuckerberg means suggests Bitcoin is definitely growing into a more widely accepted and mainstream currency. It is rumored that Zuckerberg is a client of Swan Private.

Speculators on Twitter suggested that this may be a stunt to drive more traffic to the Swan Bitcoin Conference in LA. The conference is rumored to be struggling with ticket sales as the bear market is prolonged. Who Klippsten plans on fighting is yet unknown, but many are clamoring to step in the ring with him.

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