CryptoCloaks™ Sues Vlad Costa For Libel Following Accusations Of Taking Soros Money

Holding people accountable on the internet for libel is a growing trend in the Bitcoin community which is increasingly focusing more and more on compliance. While Craig Wright may have not actually been Satoshi Nakamoto, he has paved the way for others to engage in lawfare with each other over accusations made on Twitter.
Costa, a YouTuber who recently became famous for interviewing Roger Ver, accused the popular 3d printing company of taking money from George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein. If this were true, CyrptoCloak's fan base would likely be upset, causing serious damage to the business, making these claims very serious.
"You took money from Epstein & George Soros to buy your 3D printers and date to comment about me?"
— Vlad says you should listen to Bitcoin Takeover (@TheVladCostea) April 7, 2024
This rumor gets spread.
People will spend an entire week digging through your old tweets and misinterpreting them to fit a predetermined agenda.
Then they block you so you…
Strangely enough, CryptoCloaks reported to the Bugle that following Vlad's tweet, Bill Gates reached out to him, asking if he would be willing to start 3d printing various types of meat for him. The company reports that they turned down the offer from Gates saying, "We want to focus on Bitcoin related products and promoting freedom, not promoting the people like Gates who rolled around in the Epstein clique. That's why Vlad's tweet is so unhelpful."
Reputation is a something that is incredibly important in the world of commerce overlapping with business, as so many companies and individuals have rug pulled their customers and followers. Building a reputation takes time and consistent hard work. Destroying your reputation can happen in seconds, and usually involves a tweet or action completely contradicting the ethos of the cypherpunk movement such as leveling baseless accusations at a company or influencer that warrants a lawsuit.
Using the legal system to bully individuals on the internet is a powerful tool that shows that individuals are secure in their belief's and identities. Famous lawyer and Epstein island visitor, Alan Derschowitz gave his legal analysis to a Bugle correspondent saying, "CryptoCloaks most definitely is in a good place to sue Vlad the influencer for serious material damage. The problem with libel suits in the Bitcoin community though is what goes around comes around."
Based on the saga of Craig Wright suing various Bitcoin personalities, it appears that the one suing generally hurts their reputation with the broader community, but creates an opportunity to build a small loyal cult following. Many social media experts have claimed that Vlad's recent Twitter antics are likely due to his twitter account being verified, and him seeking monetization from Elon for engagement around the controversy he is engaging in.
This saga brings up the challenges of allowing individuals to access the internet without KYCing in order to do so. People are hiding behind pseudonyms in order to make up whatever they want. This is just one more issue that compliance will fix.