Mark Goodwin Writes 1000 Word Article So Critics Will Actually Read It

Mark Goodwin has published a 1000 word essay on the publication Unlimited Hangout, in order to try and make something palatable for his sharpest critics to actually read. The majority of Goodwin's critics have been unable to stomach actually reading his articles, and have relied on the interpretation of PODCONF podcasters who also had not actually read his articles to form their criticisms.
So far critics have been silent, but that may be because they are attempting to dissect actually understanding the points he is presenting after studying the source instead of relying on poorly informed PODCONF podcasters. His action is controversial as it requires him to use less citations to be able to describe very complicated concepts involving many different players.
When contacted, Goodwin told the Bugle, "The industry standard for journalists is an IQ of 80. I'm not disappointed and or shocked that many people have trouble reading through my articles. The majority of them probably eat seed oils, and get some sort of sponsorship money from Tether."
Despite the article providing clarity to those with short attention spans, fellow journalist Joe Nakamoto decried the 1000 word article, stating that, "I read the article, I don't have any good specifics as to where Goodwin is wrong, but he is."
Some critics are concerned that Goodwin's short form articles will now make it significantly easier to see issues with Podcast and Conference sponsors. Individuals that previously complained about his articles being too long are now complaining they are too short, leaving Goodwin confused as how to proceed.