Nic Carter Finds New Found Hobby Floating in the Dead Sea, Tweeting About Bitcoin Maximalists

Nic Carter Finds New Found Hobby Floating in the Dead Sea, Tweeting About Bitcoin Maximalists
Nic Carter floating in the Dead Sea, tweeting about Bitcoin Maximalists 

Nic Carter fired off another Tweet this week decrying Bitcoin Maximalism. His falling out with a large subset of Bitcoin Twitter has come as a surprise to many. The Bitcoin Bugle reached out to Nick for comment on why this has happened.

Nic stated "I have found a new hobby which is floating in the Dead Sea and tweeting mean things about mean people. The first time I did it, I think the salt got to me. Afterwards, I realized how much fun it was and embraced the salt. Being the saltiest Bitcoiner on Bitcoin Twitter while floating in the saltiest body of the world actually gave me a boner."

It seems like it has been a great opportunity for engagement farming for other social media personalities. @Coinicarus garnered a great amount of engagement from discouraging people from investing with the "The Saltiest Sea Dog."

The infighting has benefitted both sides. Nic gets to enjoy his salt, and other individuals get to dog pile on his posts together and share a special camaraderie.  

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