Owen Benjamin Finds Definitive Proof That Bitcoin Is "Queer to Queer"

Owen Benjamin Finds Definitive  Proof That Bitcoin Is "Queer to Queer"

This news tip was brought to us by a Bugle reader

Earlier this week, right wing extremist comedian known for proving nuclear weapons do not exist on our flat earth, criticized Bitcoin as being "Queer to Queer and not peer to peer." Following the tweet, Grindr CEO, George Arison announced that the company would be integrating lightning payments into the application, "In order to make Bitcoin really queer to queer." Grindr has reportedly set it's goal on becoming the biggest lightning network routing node.

Benjamin was actually advocating that the Federal Reserve and other agencies as being more trustworthy than a free market alternative like Bitcoin, and did not mean to inspire the CEO of the gay dating app. Even still, Benjamin is set to profit off the meme as Grindr CEO, Arison has announced that Benjamin would be joining to the team and launching a program in Q1 of 2024, called "Owen's Bear Club." The club is set to showcase Bitcoin's usage in queer to queer ways.

The order of events has shown that Bitcoin is truly for anyone as it has brought together and homophobic conspiracy theorist, and the CEO of a gay dating app, to begin using Bitcoin. Owen's Bear Club will be offering Grindr users grants for developing queer to queer software built on bitcoin with the goal of integrating them as native features within our app.

We were able to reach Owen for comment and once he eventually stopped laughing he said "Look all I'm saying is strong masculine men need to invest in jewellery not a queer to queer new world order psy op"

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