Telegram CEO Charged With Not Consenting To Buggery With French Government

On Saturday, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France after stepping off his private jet. The charges consisted of various trumped up nonsense, but at its core, the French government appeared to be upset that he had previously rejected their sexual advances and refused to engage in anal sex with them. Other social media platforms such as Facebook have willingly and almost gleefully cooperated with various European Union countries sexual advances.
Platforms like Twitter and Telegram have received scrutiny and threats as a result of not submitting to what many consider unreasonable sexual demands. Government's around the world leverage their positions of power to make demands of individuals sexually, which surprisingly appears to be universally accepted by many individuals.

What is happening in this case is that the French authorities are attempting to make Durov an example in a public display of dominatrix. French president Emanuel Macron stated, "Either way you're taking it in the ass. Either you can do it the easy way, or we will do it the hard way."
Many individuals around the world are upset about the display of indecency by the French government. Sane and rational people are seeing this as rape, which they believe is wrong, even if perpetrated by a government. Strangely enough, these individuals believe that even if the rapist or murderer is an elected official, it is still rape and murder. Having some sort of authority does not give you a special license to abuse people.

The question on everyone's mind is whether different European governments will be successful in either coercing or convincing Elon Musk to consent to buggery. He has taken the public stance that he doesn't like things up his butt, but what is actually negotiated in private may be different than what is being presented to public. Some are speculating there are some extracurricular activities happening behind the scenes as the #telegram hashtag was reportedly censored since Durov's arrest.