Ukraine Top Spy Chief Says Nayvalny Died From Vaccine, Not Putin

Ukraine's top spy chief stated that the Covid 19 vaccine killed Vladimir Putin's main political rival, Alexei Navalny. The Kremlin's initial report was that he died of a blood clot, and not of foul play. Embalmers found strange clumps in his blood, similar to the what embalmers are seeing in many deceased individuals in the US following the rollout of the safe and effective Covid 19 MRNA gene therapy injections.
The Russians have a strict policy of administering vaccines to political prisoners upon their jailing to ensure their maximum safety. While Nayvalny's death is sad and shocking, the circumstances of his death are incredibly unfortunate for western propaganda purposes, who seek to distract from the treatment of individuals like Gonzalo Lira, Julian Assange, and other dissidents who have been harmed by western democracies. Gonzalo Lira died in prison of torture and not the vaccine after criticizing the Ukrainian government.
Navalny's death brings up the question on whether western democratic countries should be force injecting their political prisoners as well with experimental medical products? If the United States successfully wins the extradition of Julian Assange, they will likely be force injecting him before admitting him to prison.
Despite Vladimir Putin curing the world of Covid 19, vaccines are more important than ever for keeping the population, especially political prisoners safe.