Dear Compliant Bitcoiners

Dear compliant bitcoiners,
Now that PODCONF has disapproved me, I believe it is time for me to reveal my true identity. I am a long time member of an underground DEI-terrorist organization called, Young A-Sexual Queers Using Ecash to Eat NumberGoUp (YASQUEEN). My real name is Neon Nyx and I took on this Jyn Urso persona so I could infiltrate PODCONF approved conferences and podcasts and destroy compliant Bitcoin nation-state adoption and prevent number-go-up from succeeding.
Let this be your first and only warning, PODCONF. If you dare cross me again, I will create a collectible ordinals set that includes every member of the cast of RuPaul's Drag Race from the last five seasons. Sasha Velour and her friends Symone and Nymphia Wind want to come out and play. These collectibles will be sure to spam the network and break UTXO and node compliance, because every node on the network will forever have copies of men in drag. Something we all know PODCONF does not approve of.
This is only the beginning. YASQUEEN intends to disrupt future PODCONF approved conferences with sparkly glitter bombs, hot sexy young non-binary people of color dressed in bright, colorful and incredibly revealing onesies, and literature educating bitcoiners against compliance.
YASQUEEN will win. PODCONF will fail. You have been warned.
Neon Nyx (formally known as Jyn Urso).