BREAKING: Apple Formally Recognizes Bitcoin as Money

BREAKING: Apple Formally Recognizes Bitcoin as Money
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CUPERTINO, CA — In a surprising turn of events today, tech titan Apple Inc. has formally recognized Bitcoin as money. This move is seen by many as a clear next step in Apple's trajectory, following their earlier involvement with Bitcoin via the inclusion of the Bitcoin Whitepaper on every Mac. While the whitepaper was removed in future updates, the company's latest decision to embrace the cryptocurrency signals a landmark shift.

This move comes after a recent controversy where Apple warned the Nostr-based Damus app to comply with its guidelines or face removal from the App Store. Damus, a front-end app for Nostr, an open-source microblogging system, had been under scrutiny for its Bitcoin tipping feature. Apple's decision to recognize Bitcoin as money has now cast these events in a new light.

Some Bitcoin users, however, have expressed frustration with the move, citing central control by Apple and urging the use of GrapheneOS and other more open platforms. Their concerns seem to center on the tension between the decentralized ethos of Bitcoin and the controlled environment of Apple's platform.

Others seem to have wholeheartedly welcomed the move, seemingly implying that Apple is doing this as a prelude to "sherlocking" Damus.

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Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has yet to comment on the company's decision. Meanwhile, other prominent figures in the tech industry, such as Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter and a known Nostr partisan, have weighed in on the discussion.

Earlier, Dorsey had called on Apple to reconsider its stance on the Damus app, stating that Apple seemed to misunderstand the nature and potential of the app's feature. "It's a critical part of the future of the internet," Dorsey said. "It has the capacity to bring people around the world into the economy without the traditional gatekeepers."

The Damus app, developed by William Casarin, has been heralded as a tool that could bring financial freedom to the masses. This new development adds another layer to the narrative, though what this means for the future of Damus remains uncertain.

Apple's move to formally recognize Bitcoin as money represents a significant moment for both the tech giant and the cryptocurrency. While the implications of this decision are still unclear, it is evident that this move could have a considerable impact on the broader ecosystem of apps with lightning integration.

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