Laryn Budi Shamed By OnlyFans Community For Dating Famous Bitcoin Podcaster

Nudity influencer Laryn Budi got roasted online this week after Bitcoin influencer and podcaster Robert Breedlove posted pictures of Budi referring to her as his girlfriend to his X (Formerly Twitter) account with over 370k followers. The post quickly went viral as other nudity influencers and content creators in the adult modeling industry began dunking on Budi for dating a "crypto bro."
"Does Laryn realize he will shill any company or product for money? Those guys aren't loyal!" One nudity influencer shared in an OnlyFans DM. "LMAO she's dating a Bitcoin dork!?" said another.
Popular TikTok account LuvOnlyFansShawties7 posted a parody re-enactment of his impression of Breedlove and Budi's first date. In the video, LuvOnlyFansShawties7, pretending to be Breedlove, makes Budi download three different Bitcoin wallets so he can pay her for sexual favors. His attempts to pay her using the Lightning Network keep failing until she downloads the third wallet, Strike.
Several simps who subscribe to Budi's OnlyFans remarked in the comments of her recent porn videos that they were concerned for Budi and worried she might damage her reputation by associating with someone with ties to an industry embroiled in controversy and legal problems. However some of the simp subscribers swooped in like white knights to defend both Breedlove and Bundi while congratulating them on their relationship. One simp, who goes by the username @BedfordPeteM, told Bundi she was beautiful and would be welcomed with open arms by the community if she decided to attend any Bitcoin conferences with Robert in the future.
Despite the shaming, controversy, and negative comments, Budi's OnlyFans subscribers rose by 14% in just two days while Breedlove has been trending on X (Formerly Twitter) for the last 36 hours proving there's no such thing as negative publicity.