Orange Group Targets Orange Pill App: A Citrusy Conundrum
In a world where the color orange is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe, it seems the European telecom giant, Orange Group, has taken umbrage with the audacious use of the word "orange" by the fledgling Orange Pill App. Fresh off the launch of Hashr, a dating service for Bitcoin enthusiasts, the app now faces a trademark takedown request. One might wonder if the Orange Group is simply sour over not having thought of the idea first.
For those unfamiliar with the Orange Pill App, it's a delightful concoction that emerged from the Bitcoin community's desire to find love amidst the chaos of cryptocurrency. As Channing Tatum, host of "Between Two ASICs," lamented, "Bitcoin Twitter just hasn't worked out as a dating platform for me." With Hashr, Bitcoiners can now find love without the interference of "shitcoiners and no coiners." Truly, a modern-day romance.
Yet, as the Orange Pill App basks in its newfound popularity, the Orange Group, a behemoth in the European telecom sector, believes the app is trespassing on their citrusy domain. To the average American, the idea that an entirely unknown company could lay claim to a color might seem as absurd as a fish demanding royalties for every splash in the ocean. But in Europe, where the Orange Group is as omnipresent and overpriced as their coffee, things are a tad different.
An insider from the Orange Group, speaking with the discretion one might expect from someone who is rightfully terrified of getting peeled, revealed, "The Orange Group has been working on a soy-boi dating app called 'Orange Swill', and we believe that the 'Orange Pill' app will infringe, so we're basically just throwing our weight around to stop those pesky little guys." Ah, the age-old tale of David and Goliath, if Goliath were obsessed with color palettes or the Howey test.
Matteo Pellegrini, the developer behind the Orange Pill App, penned an open letter to the Orange Group, elucidating the inspiration behind the app's name. Drawing parallels to the iconic "red pill" from "The Matrix," Pellegrini explained that the "orange pill" in the Bitcoin world symbolizes an awakening to the revolutionary potential of decentralized digital currency. It's a far cry from the Orange Group's vast empire, which spans from telecommunications to, presumably, the rights to every orange tree in Europe.
Pellegrini's letter, dripping with the kind of politeness one reserves for passive-aggressive notes to noisy neighbors, highlighted the stark differences between the two entities. "We have never made any implicit or explicit claims to be associated with Orange Group," he wrote, subtly implying that such an association would be as beneficial to him as a chocolate teapot.
As the saga unfolds, one can't help but ponder the absurdities of intellectual property laws. As @Saifedean aptly tweeted, "Intellectual property laws are insane. @orange wants to monopolize the use of the word orange in apps." Perhaps the next battleground will be over the rights to the rainbow. Until then, let's hope the Orange Group can find a way to peel back their grievances and let love (and Bitcoin) prevail.
The Bugle also reached out for comment by the venerable Orange Julius company (established in 1926, about 62 years before the Orange Group), but no one was available for comment at press time. Presumably because the Julius machine is down... again.